Senin, 12 Juli 2010

gue kesel dia mau nembak cewe lain!
smoga ditolak. amin.

Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

the retro zebra yellow safari. im looovin it!

Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010

zemua zerba zebra

heey sedih sekali ya melihat post terahir blog ini,yang sebelumnyaa, bertuliskan ''doain gue langgeng sm randy'' fyi,gue putus,ehehe jalan terbaik teman2 D':


gue lagi suka banget2an dengan.ZEBRAA! zemua zerba zebra,ahaha. lihat profile pictureku sekarangbaju zebraaa.

all zebrah! gue pengen ganti nama gue jadi febrina zebrahcca. can i? no i cant -_-
btw,karna sudah putus, doakan mendapat yang baru yaa. yang pasti lebih baaiik.


Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

hey lama gila gue gak nulis hehe

banyak banget yang mau gue ceritain.OKE.4 bulan terahir ini gue disibukin banget ama sekolah. bukan sekolah juga,mungkin disibuki dengan twitter dan facebook yang akhirnya gue gakpernah memperhatikan blog gue tersayang ini. tapi gue disibukin juga kok sama keseharian sekolah.
gakboong ah.
tapi senengnya gue ini,kita udah selesai ulum.
hehe,emang mungkin nilai gue belum terlalu memuaskan.tapi, gue udah bersyukur bgt udah dikasih nilai segitu, sejauh ini gue yang ga lulus biology sama sains rsbi hmm.. yang lain lulus kok.
aminamin banget mat dan fisika lulus!! LULUS LOH. LULUS
soalnya oke,ngaku gue,selama ulum2 mid2 gitu fisika gue gak pernah lulus. sama sekali.
DAN TIK GUE DAPET BAGUS MEN! padahal mau ulum mau mid mau praktek kek TIK gue gak pernah diatas 6,8 hehe. ini berkat Tuhan turun dari surga banget.
tapi ini hasil dari kerja keras sebelum ulum,gue tobat dan udah mikirnya ga naik kelas trus gue langsung semangat '45 belajar. trnyata belajar itu menyenangkan yang alhasil kita bahkan dapet ilmu apalagi puas waktu liat nilai kita yang bagus : )
setelah ulum,gue langsung bersenang2 bersama teman. haha. apalagi sedang menunggu jambore temen2 udah pada kayak gasabaran! me too me too
pasti kita bakal dapet pengalaman banyak banget disitu,dapet temen baru!
seneng bgtbgtan, UH cepatlah hari seniiin!
oiya, gue lagi masa kangen2nya nih sama anak db,err
angkatan 23 db.
haha,yaudahlah feb lo di tm sekarang. eh tapi iLove angkatan 28 juga koook
eh udah dulu yea, btw,doain gue langgeng yaa sama randeh, oke thanks


Minggu, 25 April 2010


hey,saya sedang bertanya2 mengapa cerita jeho dan kelly disaat kecil selalu mengundang tawa?
Salah satunya adalah kejadian ini:
sewaktu kecil kelly dan jeho sedang berjalan2 dengan senangnya. mereka sangat menikmati perjalanan mereka. sampai akhirnya menemukan sebuah rumah.mungkin mereka bertanya2 apa yang ada didalam rumah itu. lalu mereka menemukan 12 anjing yang akhirnya menggonggong karna mendengar mereka.otomatis mereka lari. saat lari pun dengan kocaknya jeho kepleset dan kelly meninggalkan jeho. nah,dicrita ini saya sedang membayangkan tampang polos mereka berdua saat ketakutan dengan anjing dan muka jeho yang ditinggal kelly dalam kegelapan.
atau mungkin saat di kantin kelly pernah menceritakan :
saat dulu bermain sepeda roda tiga kelly hampir tertabrak motor lalu jlan lagi hampir tertabrak mobil lalu ketiga kalinya hampir tertabrak sepeda yang alhasil malah sepeda nya yang jatoh -,-
sambil membaca crita ini coba ulang sambil membayangkan tampang polos 2 karakter ini

Jumat, 23 April 2010

To be honest with you.

I dont have the words to make you feel better.

but i do have the arms to give you a hug

ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about,

and i have a heart..
a heart that's aching

to see you smile again.

Selasa, 06 April 2010

itu yang namanya temen?
kalo gitu tepuk tangan buat lo bisa bikin gue nangis.

Minggu, 04 April 2010

things to do instead of killing yourself:

play in the rain, take a nap, go bungee jumping, read a whole book in one day, kiss someone, braid your hair, take a ride in a hot air balloon, play with a kitten, dance… a lot, laugh at yourself, spend a night under the stars, paint your nails, start a band, take a chance, go out on a limb, climb a tree, scrape both your knees, go to a drive in movie, paint, dream, sing at the top of your lungs, write a story, watch the sunrise, chase a rainbow, eat pancakes, tons and tons of pancakes, bake a cake, learn to cook, play dress up, go on a walk, call a friend you haven’t talked to in awhile, make a mix, laugh, scream, hold hands with someone special, run, spin, fall and pick yourself back up, go play, pretend you are young again, start a blog, ride the scariest ride you know, build a fort, feed the birds, drive just to drive, watch an old cherished childhood movie, cuddle, stomp out your misfortunes, embrace your flaws, search for something beautiful, take a picture of it, smile and remember,
it doesn’t have to be the end.

Jumat, 02 April 2010

letter,for you

Do you know that I love you?
i probably already told you ,but im going to keep saying it.
there is no lies in this words.
not one bit.your smile keeps me alive.
is one more reason to keep fighting
i would give you my soul for comfort
even if it leaves me dark and cold
&&when i hold you close...
i can feel your heart beat fast,
and i think to myself,

i've found that ''someone'' at last. :')

Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

keep movin for the life, followers and visiters!

sori cmn ngepost gambar2 yeaa. idk not so in the mood. okay thx

Selasa, 30 Maret 2010


hari ini si randey prgi ke bandoeng AH males.
stop being a lazy bum,okee.gua harus ngerjain tugas mat yang susah nya setengah hidup yaTuhan please banget dong ngertiin miss valen,we want freedom.
kapan sih liburan tanpa tugas? tanpa beban? tanpa ada yang harus dikerjakan dan bisa tepar setiap hari? kapan? kapan!
mngkin mimpi kali ye.
i am an idiotic bummer,i cant do my homework by myself and i need my private teacher.
puhlease,im so darn lazy and i cant use my brain,yeah imma brainless fucks -,,- lalala
but i have to do it,oh,i hate this year already o.O
okay,so i know i know my life is starting to be useless.i want to
exercise hard.stay faith.worry happy.
phew,okay i really want to think positively and do tht kind of life.
well,life goes easy most of the time,but then it get worst,and my hair such a mess (?)
oh idk wht to do,depressed,yup! thts the best word to describe me. depressed.
i know life is unfair.but this is fucking ridiculous..
maybe,i have to do whatever i want *sniffsniff*
Rob a bank
stop eating <--im not sure with this
go out and change the world
or burn my house to the ground
throw your hand in the air!!
because you just dont care!
For Gods sake breathe that fucking air and live your life
realize tht life is given to you once.grasp tht shit!
okay,im not really serious about burnin my house. sorry :S
ha-ha gubye!


Senin, 29 Maret 2010

ways and tips also tricks.

3 easiest way to die:

1. Puff a cigarette daily
-you'll die 10 years early

2.Drink alcohol daily
-you'll die 30 years daily

3. Love someone who doesn't love you back
-you'll die daily

Minggu, 28 Maret 2010


finally *fiuh*
after a not-so-long time


Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

time to be a lazy bum (ahgain)

besok libur,dan itu membuat hati menjadi berbunga-bunga banggets. uyeye
saatnya menjadi anak malas lagi. wihii tepar sepuasnya. FAVORITE.
apalagi yaa,hmm,mungkin melanjutkan lukisan? tpi ngga ada inspirasi nih ayoayo yang mau memberikan inspirasi saya terima :D
dan dengan senang hati.
OH IYA. kita sedang merencanakan drama,dan peran yang gue dapet itu perannya siapaaa gt,
lupa nama. huehe.
ah! kpingin banget liburan ini icha nginep,biar bisa lucu2an pake GATSBYnya icha lalu naik2in rambut icha wuehehe. atau dandanin icha jadi super duper feminimo
atau atau berenang. atau atau makan2 6:
gasabar weheey. tpi hal utama yang harus dilakukan adalah:
bertepar ria sepanjang hari penuh warna
itu seru loh.kalian harus coba.harus.
dan ohiya makasih ya buat astrid (lupa mengucapkannya) buat zaranya hihi.
minta giordano dikasih zara BAIK BANGET GA YA
oh iya sori yaa gabisa upload foto icha yang rambutnya sedang naik dan itu KOCAKnya parah.
urgh urgh. kalian harus liat D':
ohiya beneran nih gak ada inspirasi,hmm.
perlu bangetbangetan.
gua butuh sumthin cool yea.
oh gua tau.
saya sendiri. WIH. gaklah berrrcanda gan!
oh iya,lagi butuh bangetan nih ke pim.butuh sesuatu. something
perlu banget jalan dengan jemima. huah. ah udah ah
tepar yach,dah!


Selasa, 23 Maret 2010


you think youre not pretty.theres always someone want more money.people are in want a boyfriend.someone doesnt even have a parents.youre hungry.a child is want to go to a mall.someone is looking for anything they can wear just to stay warm.youre chilly.others are just want to die.most people want to live.

so dont waste your time on things that you think you want because there is always someone out there who needs it much more than you could ever possibly know.

Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010

new target

hey guys! You know I love these things:


heart glasses :* mwah :')


Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

bikin nangis bgt

a girl and a guy were speeding down the highway on a motorcycle going over 100 mph

Girl: Can you slow down a bit?
Guy: No,this is fun!
Girl: No,it isnt.please slow down.
Guy: then tell me you love me
Girl: I love you! Now,slow down!
Guy: give me a hug!
Girl: (gives him a hug)
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? it bothers me.

In the papers next day:
''A motorcycle collided into a building due to brake failure. There were two people on the vehicle,only one survived.''

The truth is that halfway down the road,the boy realized the brakes weren't working, but he didn't want the girl to find out.Instead he had her say she loved him and felt her hug one last time.Then he asked her to put the helmet on her head instead so that she would survive even though he knew he would die.

God,this story is so tragic,thanks heidy. :)
it makes me cry,cry but not so hard hehe :')
btw,today is my anniv,1 month with him
hehe,thanks for visiting,and don't come back


Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

yang mau beliin kacamata kyk gitu atau semacamnya,
brrti orang paling baiiiik :'(

woman will do

whatever you give a woman,shes going to multiply..
if you give her sperm,seriously,she'll give you a baby (hey dont laugh,this is true)
if you give her a house,she'll give you a home
if you give her groceries,she'll give you a meal
if you give her a smile :) she'll give you her heart
She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her
If you giver her any crap
you will receive a TON of shit!

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010


hari ini althea dateng kerumah
daaaaaaan kita ngerjain scrapbook yang BELUM SAMA SKALI jadi dalam wktu 3 jam
so in a hurry! kita cepet2 althea ngomel2 dan akhirnya GUBRAGH jatoooh dia
itu kocak parah,dia lagi ngomel2 nyari itu nyari apalaah apaaa tiba2 jatuh.HUHU kasian uwww
tapi DIA SENDIRI ketawa.krn ngga sempet (pastilah) jadinya althea nyuruh gw ngelanjutin scrapbooknya. hehe and FYI: kamar gw jadi super duper brantakaaan.. AAA althea mutiaraaa.. WHATAA MESS,

trus althea ga bantuin bersiin lagi,gw udah kyk mbak2 nyapu kamar keringetan
ah elu.
mana scrapbook blm slesai dan dikumpulkan besok! mana mading biologi blm slesai! skarang sudah jam 4.

holy shit.

sabaar,oke pokoknya harus selesai. dan
ntaran ajadeh ngerjainnya.
skarang saya mau tidur,tapi sebelum tidur,mau mengingat masa2 kmaren ah
buhbye :*

oh iya, utk didi tracy megan yng ngerjain gw,thanks alot! waktu you you pada ngerjain gw wktu saya lgi nangis yee.

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

anyone can make you smile or cry
but it takes someone special
to make you smile
when you already have tears in your eyes

lazybum mode

and the day is today. yea,its holiday.
imma lazybum
imma sleepyhead
imma sleeper
but not a dreamer *sigh*
im out of control
but hey! sometimes not being in control is the most beautiful thing in the world
try it.
oh,one sweet day.
and i have one useless question stuck in my head for the whole day yesterday


'why do people think its okay for them to do horrible things as long as they apologize after?'
think bout that.
#nowplaying one republic-good life *winkwink*
buhbye :*


i want someone that UNDERSTANDS me

i want someone i can go to..
i want someone i can tell my secrets to
someone who WON'T judge me for the mistakes i will continue to make
i want someone who JUST UNDERSTAND me
i want someone who hears!not just listens
i want someone who says goodnite to me
and prays to God they get the chance to say goodmorning
i want someone who knows my quirk
i want someone one who wipes my tears away :'(
i want someone who NEEDS me
i want someone who loves me,just the way i am


Kamis, 11 Maret 2010



lagi niat banget kalo tau lagu baru langsung liat liriknya daaaan karna baru2 ini gua nyadar kalo lagu tu kalo diliat langsung liriknya tuh ternyata katanya berarti banget contohnya FALL FOR YOU

The best thing 'bout tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before?
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind

Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start

So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in, I'm yours to keep
And hold on to your words 'cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight when you're asleep

Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find

oh,major!dang on!

Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

cry me a river

jadi hari ini gw gamasuk skolah. haduh.lo harus tau dong gue sebel parah banget yeh. secara gw lagi smangat2nya skolah ah,gentong gila..
kmaren gw demam.pagi ini udah ngga,bokap tu ye,maksa abis nyets. katanya harus istirahat dulu.
trus gw bosen dan nyari2 lirik lagi kan. trus keinget 'justin timberlake' sumpah NGGA TAU KENAPA ingetnya si JT. lagunya yang ''cry me a river''

You were my sun
You were my earth
But you didn't know all the ways I loved you, no
So you took a chance
And made other plans
But I bet you didn't think that they would come crashing down, no

You don't have to say, what you did,
I already know, I found out from him
Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be
And don't it make you sad about it

You told me you loved me
Why did you leave me, all alone
Now you tell me you need me
When you call me, on the phone

Girl I refuse, you must have me confused
With some other guy
Your bridges were burned, and now it's your turn
To cry, cry me a river
Cry me a river-er 3x
yea yea

I know that they say
That somethings are better left unsaid
It wasn't like you only talked to him and you know it
(Don't act like you don't know it)
All of these things people told me
Keep messing with my head

(Messing with my head)
You should've picked honesty
Then you may not have blown it

bener2 ya. seringnya2 gw denger lagu ini gapernah ngeliat lyricsnya dan pas diliat. OMG.
ngga nyadar lagu nyesekin gila! pas banget kejadian gw sama mantan gw. oooo!!
sumpah ini nyadar nangis. dan akhirnya lagu ini stuck di kepala gw. mikirinnya jadi si itu mulu.
HA-HA bangke.

Rabu, 03 Maret 2010

16 And Pregnant

before that I have to tell y'all that I love reality tv so much :D.
A while ago as I was channel surfing, I stumbled upon the show 16 and Pregnant on MTV.
As I started watching the show, I couldn't help but feel so sad for these girls .
it is hard watching these girls struggle to make the right decisions when it comes to the baby!fuh.The hardest part for me is that these girls think that their boyfriends are going to be there for them and their child and then their boyfriend dumps them or cheats on them or whatever. Anyways, I just watched an episode and just felt so bad for the girl. Her boyfriend broke up with her when she told him that she was pregnant. I guess they got back together and then he broke up with her again, got back together, and the cycle just continued
oh Ood,I want to reach into the tv and tell these girls to kick these guys to the curb and focus on their child and their future.
umm ,do you think that this show is helpful or hurtful for teen girls?

anyway. me and althea are making a scrapbook for english project.
oohh,im not so in the mood -,- *dasar ngga penting*


Jumat, 26 Februari 2010


pulang skolah nih..
udah rencana mau ke db. taunya gerimis. AH,gerimis doang.. ya nggakk!?
kita nyari taksi. adanya bajayy <--memalukan o_O
tapi seru!! gua,jho,kelly,icha naik bajay ke db WUAKAKAKAKAK.
dan hasilnya rok kita basah karna naik bajay. dan selama di bajay,gerimisnya menjadi ujan badai
jadinya kita mau turun ngga bisa.padahal udah di depan db. damn,kita diliatin anak2 db gitu.
trus ada bapa2 kaan bawa payung 2. terus kita tereak2 'PAK!!PAAAK!!''
''tolong paak,anterin kesana bentar aja'' eh terus dia mau.wah,ngga semua orang didunia ini jahat yaa...
terus nyampe db.masuk.terus kita arah ke kantin, tiba2 ada yang manggil,''FEBRI!''
ehh RANDY..
wahahahaha.. kaget loh.brubah banget dia.. nggak pake banget sih hehe
trus,yaa kita jalan aja muter2. dan,selama ujan.ngga bisa pulang karna ngga ada taksi.
trus randy lari,nyariin taksi.ujan gede banget.oodamn,baik parah. kelly kaget dan ngeliatin.
dengan muka bego dan polosnya ituu,si kelly bilang ''feb,pokonya lo gaboleh nyakitin dia,dia baik banget'' wahahahah. dan hasilnya randy balik dengan basah2,udah dibilangin gausah,nekat.
eeh trus akirnya kita bisa pulang deeh naik taksi,awalnya muter2 dlu,abis si bapa supirnya itu nggatau arah ke tm kemana.. yaoloh.. harusnya kita naik blue bird ajaaa..
hehe. kangen masa2 kmaren.

Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

need them

need them real quick!! ooodamn

Selasa, 23 Februari 2010


fokus ke rambut icha..

DANG!! ngga nahan

Rabu, 17 Februari 2010


i JUST can't wait for tommorow, yeaheeey
it's astrids bday so i guess this afternoon i have to go to pim to buy *peeeeeeep* for her
aaaanddd know whattt,
from today until wednesday we're having mid test, oh GOD!
I have to study. hard. hard,
but,well i think i just have to study for 4 hours :) enough. HAHA. okayy i know,i know
im just so on DAMN lazy mode
ohh, and oh oh ohhh..
its not finished yet, me and akina are making some kinda english ''project''
VISIT BEVERLY HILLS! and hey! if you have informations 'bout beverly hills or radeoh drive (rodeo dr.) call me please ! :D

without you my days are :


Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

hi all!
long time no communicate :)

i got ALOT of things that i have to tell you guys, but hmm, i can't tell y'all about everything maybe just a little bit, or.... a little bit too much

i went to pim with my old friends, don boscos,actually they are not old :p
*anak tm juga gua undang beberapa*. so when i arrived at pim i called my friends that they were like ''just go to timezone, meet ya there!'' okay then i went to timezone then i forgot about my friends,my old friends. then i get down to funworld. and im so surprised,so happy
i saw mardi, my BESTEST and my GREATEST treasure (lol). and i was like ''WOW''
gary,mardi,astu,nadine,deandre,viray,david,juan,darren,lucky,daniel .c.,firdaus.
i was so happy i forgot my TMs friends. and i was so damn stupid i forgot about them
im sorry guys,
then i was so SHOCK and SURPRISED, so my old friends, bought me some chocolate cake, i know it's kinda small but i really like,it works, its my best gift on earth! i was so damn surprised, i can't speak, i was like'' GOSH!!!!'' thanks guys! it really does works.

i went to church and my friends were singing hppy bday and so thank you thank you!!

the best day of the week,whole week
so my friends planned to surprised me with a.. (papan bhs inggrisnya apaan?)
i was like shocked,my eyes warmed with tears, it really does works, thanks for all, and thanks for jemmima,, thanks for the glasses with ''h'a'p'p'y b'i'r't'h'd'a'y letter on it... :))))

thanks :
megan,althea,akina,erica,vanessa,kelly,jho, didi,siapapun yang udah ngerancain surprise papan
anak db yang udah ngumpulin uang buat beli surprise cake (DC TUMBEN BAIK!)


Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

im stronger than this :')

and i just wanna say this, this to you

please come cause i think now im falling and im holding to all i think is save :(
it seems i found something..! :D,
NO.. its just i found the road to nowhere :'(
and you know what , yesterday,i yelled back if I heard thunder! gee thats scared me
I though i found the road to somewhere. Somewhere to His Grace ;(
i cried out heaven save me!

it tears me up to tear you down.. cause ilysm .I've cried for you and i just need a shoulder to cry on. but i have nobody then, i know I have my God.
''when you pray say'Father hallowed be your name,your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread . Forgive us our sins,for we also forgive everyone who sins againts us :( and lead us not into temptation'' Luke 11:2-4

I know, he has the power to heal. please God, help me.

Senin, 01 Februari 2010


hari ini gua sebulan kan yeh -,- (gaada cerita lain terpaksa menceritakan kejadian kocak ini)
terus yang pertama kl nyelametin gua tu: vanessa darvin gazpers --> thank u :)
terus abis itu baru deh si deandre
huhuahaha.. terus ampe skolah kan pada nyelametin gua :
icha,vanessa,althea,akina,j.ho dan yang paling bodoh :KELLY
si kelly kyk orang goblok ngeliatin gua dslametin terus dia kira hari ini ultah gua..
terus dia bilang FEBRI HAPPY BIRTHDAY, udah kenceng salah lagi..
sama halnya seperti anya dan mazela, mereka kira hari ini ultah gue -_-
eh lupa,didi juga nyelametin deng.. thanks all you guys.. hehe bener2 sahabat SEJATI deh lu semua
terus pas pelajaran gua,yovin,dan erica nari dan nyanyi kyk orang stress
yaud terus pulang deandre,viray, sm gary kan dateng ke tm yaudah terus jalan deeeh sama mereka. seru abisss hehe. sama vanessa juga. gua ktemu toge deh cowonya. COCOK ko lo berdua. haha thats all for today, thx friends

happy anniversary yaaa deandre ILYSM


Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

someone has a lil' buddy

It's "Action/Adventure Sports Thursday" here at CDS5K. This is a photo of Fergal Smith, 21, who was surfing two miles off the coast of Perth, Western Australia when a Great White Shark came within a few feet of him. After Fergal had dropped in on the 20 foot break, he had no idea how close he was to Great White Death, that is until he was shown the photo afterward. This is a prime example of why I think my greatest fear in this life is sharks. They're always lurking, just waiting for you to make the slightest mistake and fall so they can rip you to fucking shreds. Stay safe everyone stay out of the water and behind your computer screens.
but i think the most scary creature in this entire world is RATS!!

and heyy guess what guys, besok saya sebulan


Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

stages of friendship

In kindergarten your idea of a good friend was the person who let you have the red crayon when all that was left was the ugly black one.

In first grade your idea of a good friend was the person who went to the bathroom with you and held your hand as you walked through the scary halls.

In second grade your idea of a good friend was the person who helped you stand up to the class bully.

In third grade your idea of a good friend was the person who shared their lunch with you when you forgot yours on the bus.

In fourth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who was willing to switch square dancing partners in gym so you wouldn't have to be stuck do-si-do-ing with the dork of the class.

In fifth grade your idea of a friend was the person who saved a seat on the back of the bus for you.

In sixth grade your idea of a friend was the person who went up to your new crush, and asked them to dance with you, so that if they said no you wouldn't have to be embarrassed.

In seventh grade your idea of a friend was the person who let you copy the social studies homework from the night before that you had forgotten about.

In eighth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who helped you pack up your stuffed animals and old baseball cards so that your room would be a "high schooler's" room, but didn't laugh at you when you finished and broke out into tears.

In ninth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who went with you to that "cool" party thrown by a senior so you wouldn't wind up being the only freshman there.

In tenth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who changed their schedule so you would have someone to sit with at lunch.

In eleventh grade your idea of a good friend was the person who
gave you rides in their new car,
convinced your parents that you shouldn't be grounded,
consoled you when you broke up with your significant other
and found you a date to the prom.

In twelfth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who
helped you pick out a college,
assured you that you would get into that college,
helped you deal with your parents who were having a hard time adjusting to the idea of letting you go.

At graduation your idea of a good friend was the person who was crying on the inside but managed the biggest smile one could give as they congratulated you.

The summer after twelfth grade your idea of a good friend was the person who
Helped you clean up from that party.
Helped you sneak out of the house when you just couldn't deal with your parents.
Assured you that now that your significant other were back together, you could make it through anything.
Helped you pack up for college and just silently hugged you as you looked through blurry eyes at 18 years of memories you were leaving behind.
And finally on those last days of childhood, went out of their way to come over and send you off with a hug, a lot of memories and reassurance that you would make it in college as well as you had these past 18 years.
But most importantly sent you off to college knowing you were loved.

Now, your idea of a good friend is still the person who
Gives you the better of the two choices.
Holds your hand when you're scared.
Helps you fight off those who try to take advantage of you.
Thinks of you at times when you are not there.
Reminds you of what you have forgotten.
Helps you put the past behind you but understands when you need to hold on to it a little longer.
Stays with you so that you have confidence.
Goes out of their way to make time for you.
Helps you clear up your mistakes.
Helps you deal with pressure from others.
Smiles for you when they are sad.
Helps you become a better person.

However most importantly loves you!

by: Febri and Caca :)

cha,thanks for visiting me and thanks for this.

caca pinter deh inggrisnya. saya terbantu hehe

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

me and erica were in a vintage motion!

today i have something for y'all:

this is out favorite, and erica is going to use this picture for her blog:

me and erica were in a vintage motion.

Minggu, 24 Januari 2010


hm,about this day... nothing happened.

cuman sodara doang tadi dateng. jiah, lumayanlaah rame2in rumah

truss kk spupu cewe dateng.. trus bilang ''biiii, aku punya baju buat kamu, tapi kalo kamu mau kamu harus kufoto terus kamu masukin blog dan kamu promosiin kk''
yaudah karena baju sangattt amatlah lucu. i can't ignore it. i really want it

haha tuh,udah kan? now gimme that..

okayy temans kalo mau baju ini silahkan hubungi saya. masih banyak baju yang lucu2.

tuh udah kupromosiin. udah ya? this is officially mine.

ok selanjutnya kita ke GI .. biasalah kalo ke gi palingan ngeliat air mancur yang itu dan makan2 doang ya ga? terus pulang.

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010


'' friendship is not about how we forget but how we forgive''

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

bunny ears

awaw keren (y)

hope : )

it is once again the beginning of a brand new year, time relleeeh does fly and you don't even notice it. right huh?
before you it a year has passed...

when its a beginning of a brand new year,most peeps, especially me,has a new sense of hope
i think hope is a positive thing which keeps us moving forward
(sorry,bad english)

This year,once again.. I have hopes and dreams. And in a way..
thats hopes and dreams of mine makes me who i am and it also keeps me alive. It keeps me from giving up . keeps my spirit and my fire in me alive. I guess in a diffrnt sense,hope paints a picture that the future is a better and brighter place (humff)